Film 'The King': Henry V and the battle of Agincourt

Before this film I wasn’t really a fan of the war part of the middle ages. I found it way too bloody and did not see the interesting part of it. After watching the film my opinion changed a lot because this film was just so impressive and portrayed the battle so good. 

The King


The film is about the battle of Agincourt in 1415. Henry V still isn’t king. He has a life consisting a lot of drinks, hangovers and girls. However, he already doesn’t like bloodshed. When his brother is preparing a battle and he joins, he challenges the leader of the opponent army for a duel. A duel that stops the bloodshed in both armies, because the winner of the duel is also the winner of the battle. Henry wins and his brother is mad because this was his opportunity to set himself on the map as an army leader. When he comes home, he does not get a warm welcome because he won the battle. But instead is told he is not longer the successor of his father. 

   However, the brother that now becomes his father’s successor, dies. Henry will become king. 

   When he becomes king, his first task is dealing with the French. The English are at war with them. The task ends with Henry becoming so angry over humiliation from the French, that he goes to battle. 

Historical Accuracy

The film is based on a real battle and real event. I think that’s really cool, they did not make up a battle. However, the event isn’t entirely accurately shown. There are some little things not right. For example, There isn’t any evidence that Henry wasn’t the successor of his father for a period of time. The reason that Henry went to war is also not accurately portrayed in the film. In the film the reason is that there was an assassination attempt on Henry by the French, but the real reason is simply failure of negotiations. 

   There are more of these facts a little different. Also a few that contain spoilers, so I won’t mention them. I don’t think that they are disturbing, only if you watch the movie pure for accurate history. 

My Opinion 

I really liked the movie and it changed my views on medieval battle’s. I now think that they are very interesting and shouldn’t be forgotten about. You should watch this movie if you love good acting, some action, medieval England and Its kings, not expect a romantic movie and a good reason is also always Timothée Chalamet, who plays King Henry V.


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